Lorem Ipsum is only the typesetting and printing industry's equivalent of dummy text. Since the 1500s, when an unidentified printer jumbled a type galley to create a type specimen book, Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard false text.
Since the 1500s, when a mysterious printer jumbled a type galley to create a type specimen book, Lorem Ipsum has served as the industry's de facto standard dummy text.
Letraset sheets with portions from Lorem Ipsum were first released in the 1960s, and more recently, desktop publishing programs like Aldus PageMaker have renditions of Lorem Ipsum.
- Making this the first real generator, Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard for a long time.
It is a well-known fact that a reader will be diverted from a page's readable content when examining its layout. The benefit of employing Lorem Ipsum over 'Content here, content here' is that it has a more or less normal letter distribution, giving the impression of understandable English.
It creates Lorem Ipsum that appears plausible by using a vocabulary of more than 200 Latin terms and a few sample sentence constructions. As a result, the created Lorem Ipsum is never riddled with clichés, jokes, or other uncharacteristic language.
There are numerous different versions of passages from Lorem Ipsum that are available, but most have been changed in some way, usually by adding humor or randomizing phrases that don't look the slightest bit plausible. If you plan to quote from Lorem Ipsum, make sure there isn't anything embarrassing tucked away in the center of the text.
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